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June 23, 2023

60. The Entrepreneur's Guide to the Art of War: The Original Classic Text Interpreted for the Modern Business World by Mark Smith

60. The Entrepreneur's Guide to the Art of War: The Original Classic Text Interpreted for the Modern Business World by Mark Smith

Mark Smith provides his insight on what he thinks Sun Tzu's military guide would mean to the entrepreneur in the modern business world. This was a a quick read, but enjoyable. I would recommned it. In this episode, I give my review over this book, discuss what I liked and disliked about the book, and any lessons I received from the book.

For written reviews, check out my website: https://johnnysbookreviews.com/

For my reading schedule post: https://medium.com/@johnnysbookreviews/heres-my-reading-schedule-where-i-m-able-to-read-4-hours-everyday-3df8a0b8e17f For daily updates on what I read check out my Instagram, Facebook, or Goodreads: https://www.instagram.com/johnnysbookreviews/?hl=en, https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/58859323-johnnysbookreviews, and https://www.facebook.com/johnnysbookreviews/ For my merch: https://www.bonfire.com/store/johnnysbookreviews/ For my book: https://a.co/d/ihqARJW

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